Routine watering is important for plants so they can stay healthy as they flourish, and potted plants are no different. However, if a plant container has drainage holes in it, watering can result in...
Category: Plant Care
Finding gardening hacks that are simple, cost-effective, and sustainable are exciting gifts that we encounter on our ventures in gardening. The idea of watering house plants with tea has become a...
CREDIT: mapichai/ A number of different plant tips suggest ways gardeners can help their plants thrive and stay healthy all season. One of the more recent gardening myths...
Some people may find that they can successfully prune soil in their backyard to stick plants directly into the ground. Others prefer to have their plants grow on their own terms in specific...
Indoor herb gardens have become incredibly popular over the years. Well, houseplants, in general, have become loved among millennials and Gen X-ers everywhere, but making an indoor jungle edible...
Good Drainage in Pots: DO NOT Use Rocks and Root Rot Explained
All plant pots need drainage as it is critical for plant health. But what are the ways in which satisfactory plant drainage can be achieved? This is an important question because there are often...